Studio Policies
- The studio calendar year runs from September – June.
- All communication is sent via email; please keep a current address on file in the office!
- The school year will consist of 35 weeks of classes held over a ten-month period.
- A student may join at any time from September through January if there is space available.
- The studio will be closed for major holidays and school vacations – see our calendar here.
- If for any reason you decide to discontinue your classes, you are not obligated to pay for the balance of the school year, however you will be responsible for any balance due.
- Referral Program: It’s easy, when you refer a new student and they register into a class, you get a $25 credit on your account.
- ALL registration requires a credit card and email address. Tuition and registration fees are posted to your account at the time of registration.
- All accounts will have one primary account holder. This is the account holder that registers and signs the registration form. This account holder will be the one considered financially responsible for the account.
- An annual $40.00 non-refundable registration fee per student is due at the time of registration and is automatically charged to the credit card on file.
- Annual registration fee does not apply to our Summer Programs.
Tuition Payments and Balances
- All dance accounts are required to have a valid MasterCard, Visa, or Discover card on file at all times.
- Payments are due on the (1st) first of each month and will be automatically charged to the credit card on file.
- Payments will always be applied to outstanding balances first before being applied to current or future charges.
- Any account unpaid after the (15) fifteenth of the month will have late charges assessed for 10% of the total monthly tuition.
- We gladly accept the following methods of payment: Cash * Check * Visa * MasterCard * Discover * ClassWallet
- When making a payment by check, please include the dancer’s first and last name/s in the memo of your check, so we may credit the proper account.
- There is a $25 NSF fee for all checks returned from the bank or any credit card chargebacks due to insufficient funds, expired card, Issuer Declined, or any other declined reason.
- You WILL NOT be receiving a statement from our office for your monthly tuition. You may check your account online at any time.
- If at any time you would like a printed statement of your account you may request one.
- Overdue Balances Only: A statement will be emailed for the amount due with late charges assessed.
- Any student with an overdue balance of more than 60 days will not be allowed into class until payment in full is received or payment arrangements have been made.
- KBDS reserves the right to charge any credit cards on file for any past due balances.
- KBDS reserves the right to refuse placing any orders and/or withold merchandise/costumes for past due accounts until account balance is paid.
Refunds and Credits
- Registration Fees are non-refundable.
- Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, snow days, or personal commitments. You are welcome to make-up any missed class.
- Kathy Blake Dance Studios reserves the right to cancel any class with insufficient registration and a full refund will be given.
- When a student sustains an injury that does not permit them to participate over an extended period of time a credit or refund will be issued.
Dress Code
Dancers at all levels can benefit from wearing proper dress code when they are in class, rehearsing, and performing. Wearing the right clothes in class is just as important as wearing the right clothes onstage. Here are 5 reasons why every dancer should adhere to the dress code in their classes. Safety, Respect, Increased Focus, Body positioning, and Confidence & Attitude. You can read more here: https://kathyblakedancestudios.com/dress-code-requirements/
- DANCE ATTIRE or ATHLETIC WEAR are required for all classes, unless noted otherwise.
- HAIR: Long hair must be tied back for all classes and in a bun for classical ballet. Great news for students of KBDS, we always have hair elastics available in our office and in each studio if you forget yours!
- NO JEWELRY, COSTUMES or PLAY CLOTHES: Remember loose or dangling jewelry and costumes other than proper dance skirts are a safety hazard, a distraction for dancers and are not allowed. Jeans, jean shorts, play clothes, or school clothes are not suitable dance attire.
- Please put names on all dancewear, shoes, bags, etc. We cannot help these items get home without this vital information.
Attendance and Missed Classes
- Attendance is very important for students at every age and ability level. We ask that you please make every effort to attend all of your classes, and to communicate when you will be absent.
- Students may make up any class missed in any appropriate class of their choice at any time within the school year.
- Please submit your absences and schedule any make-ups through the family portal.
- Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, snow days, or personal vacations.
Snow Cancellations
- We will hold classes except under dangerous driving conditions, please use discretion.
- Studio closings will also be posted on our Facebook/Instagram pages, KBDS App, and you will be notified via email.
- If KBDS cancels a class, students will be responsible for arranging their own make-up classes at a time that is convenient for them. In the event of multiple cancellations (3 or more), make-up classes will be scheduled during school vacations. No credit will be given for snow cancellations; however, students are always welcome to take make-up classes for any class missed.
- Our annual recital is always held on Saturday of Father’s Day Weekend at the Nashua Center for the Arts, 201 Main Street, Nashua, NH. Dress Rehearsal is always the Wednesday before recital.
- Participation is optional; however, we do encourage all students to take advantage of this wonderful performing experience.
- Recital sign-up, costume measurements and ordering take place in January.
- Ask to see our videos and photos of previous recitals.