Studio Arrival and Departure Info
Dancers Crossing… please drive carefully in and out of our parking lot! Below are some helpful studio arrival and departure information as it relates to dancer drop off, parking and receiving students after class. If you have any questions, please call or text us at 603-673-3978. Below is a visual map of our one-way traffic pattern and studio door locations.

- Arrival Timing: Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class. This gives you time to park your car and get settled. It also gives your dancer a chance to use the bathroom, change clothes if needed and put on their dance shoes.
- Dancer Drop Off: Each studio has a designated waiting area with a separate entrance and clear signage is on each studio entrance to indicate dancer drop off. If you are dropping a dancer off who does not require assistance, please pull up to the doorway of your studio or find a parking spot and guide them to their entrance.
- Entering the Building: All of our doors have a video doorbell communication system. To enter, press button to notify the office, wait and listen for the click, then pull the door open. KBDS faculty are able to see and speak to guest if needed before admitting.
- Dancer Dismissal: Parents must be in the waiting room or outside by the studio door to receive their child. Students cannot be let out into the parking lot on their own after class for safety reasons.
- Exiting the Parking Lot: Drive slowly and please use extra caution in our parking lot as we have precious dancers crossing.