Minor in Dance

 Many universities and colleges offer dance as a Minor, allowing dancers to continue their training and earn credit for dance classes while still acquiring new skills in a different field as their major.

What is an academic minor? Many people aren’t really sure what a minor is, or why they are valuable. A minor is a secondary focus that you declare during your undergraduate education. It is not your primary focus of study, but earning a minor requires between 1/3 and 1/2 the amount of academic credits that a major would. Minors are beneficial because they allow you to study more than just one thing: it can be related to your major or not related. (For example: An education major might minor in English if they want to be an english teacher. On the other hand, a business major might minor in Dance if they want to simply continue their dance training while in school.)

*Many of these schools also offer dance as a major. These schools have been selected because they also have esteemed programs in other majors that are not dance related. This can be helpful to know for dancers who want to branch out into more than just dance.

  • Boston University

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Website: http://www.bu.edu/academics/cfa/programs/minor-in-dance/

  • California State Polytechnic University

Location: San Luis Obispo, California

Website: http://catalog.calpoly.edu/collegesandprograms/collegeofliberalarts/theatredance/danceminor/

  • California State University

Location: all locations

Website: http://ecatalog.calstatela.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=4&poid=629

  • Chapman University

Location: Orange, California

Website: http://www.chapman.edu/copa/dance/academic-programs/

  • Columbia College

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Website: http://catalog.colum.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=3&poid=219&returnto=829

  • The George Washington University

Location: Washington, D.C.

Website: http://bulletin.gwu.edu/arts-sciences/theatre-dance/minor-dance/

  • Hofstra University

Location: Hempstead, New York

Website: http://bulletin.hofstra.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=49&poid=4523&returnto=2460

  • Ithaca College

Location: Ithaca, New York

Website: http://ithaca.smartcatalogiq.com/2012-2013/Undergraduate-Catalog/School-of-Humanities-and-Sciences/Department-of-Theatre-Arts/Dance-Minor

  • James Madison University

Location: Harrisonburg, Virginia

Website: http://www.jmu.edu/catalog/13/programs/theatredance.html

  • Marymount Manhattan College

Location: New York City, New York

Website: https://www.mmm.edu/departments/dance/dance-minor.php

  • Plymouth State University

Location: Plymouth, New Hampshire

Website: https://www.plymouth.edu/department/mtd/admission-and-auditions/dance-audition-requirements/ 

  • Skidmore College

Location: Saratoga Springs, New York

Website: http://catalog.skidmore.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=13&poid=2561&returnto=847

  • University of Arizona 

Location: Tucson, Arizona

Website: http://dance.arizona.edu/students/future_students/

  • University of Miami

Location: Coral Gables, Florida

Website: http://www.miami.edu/frost/index.php/frost/programs/dance_program

  • University of New Hampshire

Location: Durham, New Hampshire

Website:  http://cola.unh.edu/theatre-dance/program/dance-minor

  • University of San Francisco

Location:  San Francisco, California

Website: http://www.usfca.edu/catalog/artsci/danc/minor/

  • Wake Forest University

Location: Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Website: http://college.wfu.edu/theatre/programs-of-study/dance-program